Friday, September 22, 2017

Healthy, Happy Eating

My freshman year of college I decided I was going to do a "cleanse" that basically involved eating only fruits and veggies for a few days. Well about 5 minutes into this "cleanse", I was eating a plate of raw spinach and I texted my friend and said " I am literally eating leaves." Want to know how long that cleanse lasted? About 5 minutes. Why did this last 5 minutes? It was because I was eating FREAKING LEAVES. Well actually it was because I was not enjoying what I was eating.

I often hear people say that they want to be healthy but that they don't know how to start or have the time. This blog is going to focus mainly on eating healthy and addressing these issues. I am by no means an expert on this, but I enjoy cooking and feel like I am starting to get a handle on how to make eating healthy actually enjoyable.

Eating healthy does not have to be a sad combination of saying all the things you can't eat mixed with depression about not liking food. Eating is a basic part of life, why should we have to hate it in order to reach our health goals? I often wish that fudge chocolate brownies had the same caloric and nutritional value of a carrot. Unfortunately they don't, so we have to be creative in order to make healthy food delicious!

My philosophy on food is moderation in all things and balance. My husband says he needs to balance his salts and sweets. I agree with this idea to a certain extent. Obviously we should have more healthy foods in our diet than unhealthy foods. I am going to give one tiny tip today that actually doesn't have to do with eating. It has to do with your mindset and relationship with food.

I often find myself thinking the word "skinny" instead of "healthy." This attitude leads to disordered eating. When the focus is the scale, we get caught up in fad diets that may lead to immediate results that are not sustainable in the long run. So many women yo yo between being heavy and thin because of this attitude instead of maintaining a healthy weight. This week as you go about cooking, think to yourself "how can this food nourish my body" instead of asking "how many calories is in this?"